
Participants from 20 countries enjoying Estonian sauna culture.

About European Sauna Marathon
The European Sauna Marathon in Otepää is a fun orienteering game between saunas, where the team has to visit as many saunas marked on the map, as possible in a given time. The team consists of four members, it is necessary to have a car and a driver.
The main prize of the European Sauna Marathon Otepää is presented by Lemmik Mees OÜ. In addition, a number of special prizes will be awarded from sponsors. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes and the best sauna enthusiasts.
In addition, participants choose their favorite sauna and sauna owners choose their favorite teams.
In each sauna, all members of the team must enjoy ssuna at least 3 minutes. There are also “secret saunas” in the competition, where each team has to guess the exact time spent in the sauna. Time is not taken in the hot tubs and ice holes, but the number of visits are counted.